How would you like all your bills paid each month for the rest of your life?

…All without anyone’s help…

without any complicated investments…

…without any special training, and…

…without playing the Powerball…

Imagine every month having enough cash in your checking account to cover your expenses...

Your groceries, prescriptions, electric bills… anything you need.

Plus, have some leftover to treat yourself guilt-free with eating out, entertainment and travel.

You’re not rich per se, but you’re taken care of week-in and week-out. 

And every week…

Your income is SNOWBALLING and growing larger.

No more avoiding the mailbox because of the “mystery” bills stacked on the ad pages.

Many might say that’s “complete and absolute freedom"...                        

How would you like to know your next medical bill won’t be a concern? 

You’re guaranteed the best treatment without awkward check-out conversations about your past due balance.

Only takes one stock and following this plan for your income to snowball.

It sounds unbelievable… but I’ll prove it to you this is possible today.

And it’s incredibly simple to do…

In fact, you only need one stock to pay your bills for life.

That’s it. No options, cryptocurrencies, day trading, futures, or penny stock plays.

One stock. It’s really that simple.

Even better, you can easily set yourself up for this type of lifetime income in under 12 minutes.

Anyone who knows how to work a computer will understand.

All you need to do is keep reading along with me these next few moments.

Because if you’re looking for financial security during retirement — meaning, you’re not stressing about a stock market crash or running out of money—

Please listen up to what I’m about to say.

In this exclusive presentation, you’re about to receive a proven, mathematically-based plan to generate a passive income stream that will outlive you.

You’ll receive this plan absolutely free.

It’s a step-by-step plan where you could create $4,804 in monthly income that continues to grow each year.

Over 10 years, that’s $576,480 in income.

Here, finally, is a predictable plan where you could start with as little as $25,000 in your 401(k) or IRA...

And still generate a comfortable living with snowballing bonus shares.

Warren Buffett makes $6,731 per minute using the exact same income method to pay bills at his company.

And you could be paying your bills too. I’ll even show you what investments to make.

These are investments meant to generate income. Our focus isn’t rising share prices.

In fact, I’ll prove to you that investing for capital gains might doom your retirement.

“Focus on the income,” I always say.

If you had followed my step-by-step snowballing income plan in the past, here’s where you could’ve been now.

Note: these are actual, real opportunities inside my own portfolio. No cherry-picked stocks like other financial presentations try to do.

One of my favorite plays, following the plan, could’ve generated for you an amazing $2,766 per month like clockwork. As a bonus, your portfolio would have soared 111%.

If everything stayed the same, over 10 years, you'd have generated $331,920 in income alone.

Another of my go-to plays, after following the plan, would’ve handed you an incredible $1,922 per month going forward. Plus, your portfolio would’ve seen an 88% increase.

Over 10 years, that’s $230,640 in cash to your bank account.

You’ll see it’s a perfect complement to your Social Security.

The Motley Fool predicts the average cost of retirement is $738,400.

That sounds daunting. Well, retirement will tend to go for 30 years...

Thus, if we have $230,640 every 10 years…plus, an average of $1,341 per month in Social Security, according to Investopedia…

We’d end up with income alone of $1,174,680. That is more than enough to pay for retirement. And that’s not even touching your portfolio principal. This is income alone.

This is the reliable income waiting for you today…

Predictable income without a job equals freedom for life. If only more retirees knew about what you’ll see today.

This truly is a game changer for retirement living.

And, frankly, it can’t come at a better time…

Because I built this snowballing income plan to solve the one, looming issue most retirees face.

The Easiest Way To Squelch The #1 Retirement Fear

A recent CNN poll revealed the #1 fear of retirees is running out of money.

Let me repeat that: today’s retirees fear running out of money more than anything in the world, including death.

If you don’t have money, you’re forced to depend on the government or get charity from family. Maybe even rely on strangers.

Living off Social Security alone is tough already seeing as the average monthly check is $1,341, according to Investopedia.

I’ve surveyed thousands of investors and this same concern continues to pop up.

I have an Excel spreadsheet with over 1,000 detailed responses from retirees. I asked them directly:

“What’s your biggest fear financially?”

The #1 answer, by far, was “I am afraid I’ll run out of money and go broke.”

That’s when I decided to put together this step-by-step income battle-plan that snowballs over time.

If you’re prepared to be a disciplined and consistent investor, this plan will be your saving light.

Because in retirement, you need to be focused on income if you want your money to outlive you. Living stress-free without taking a part-time job requires regular cash flow.

I’ve calculated a few short years as the ideal runway needed to create your own, personal money tree. I’ve done the math myself for you.

At the end, you’ll have a virtually passive income stream you only need to check up on 1-2x per month.

Our entire goal with this step-by-step plan is to lay the groundwork in our portfolio for massive income that snowballs fast.

That’s it, plain and simple.

Income pays your bills, hence our focus.

And you’ll be shocked how little the risk is to do this…

Thousands Are Enjoying a Snowballing Income Stream Using This Method

Many have already paid up to $100/year for the information you’ll find in the plan, but you’re getting it 100% free.

It’s a bill-paying roadmap I’ve put together — with exact calculations — that any man, woman, or teenager can follow.

And you don’t need tons of money to be successful.

Starting with as little as $25,000, you’ll be able to generate a healthy 5-6 figures of income annually if you follow exactly what I’ll share with you.

Many of my 6,043 paid subscribers already use this income stream with great results.

Ronald P. praised the income he gets:

“I am glad to have found [you]. I eagerly await all your updates and thank you for improving my income stream with all your great ideas.

Alan F. wrote me saying:

“I cannot remember just how I became acquainted with [you], but I am truly thankful. The dividend payouts are like clockwork. Set and forget… Consider me hooked!”

Gary F. says:

My return percentage is higher than my financial agent can manage. Go figure.”

Jerry M. had some inspiring words:

“You have completely changed how I think about investments…”

Here’s Steven D. giving my program 5-stars:

I never believed in my life I would be able to have this much in my portfolio in what I would consider a very short time.”

Brad B. wrote in excited:

“Thanks for what you do, my account balance hasn’t looked this good ever, and I’ve only been on board a few months.”

It’s really helped so many people.

Freedom To Spend Your Time As You Wish With Income That Keeps You Safe

Thanks to my easy-to-follow, virtually passive method, you’ll have awesome days where income automatically shows up in your account.

You’ll feel that stress sitting in your chest disappear. You’ll start living in the present again rather than worrying about the future.

The simple, joyful things in life like getting together for dinner with your friends won’t be a budgeting nightmare.

You’ll have enough saved to weather any unexpected medical bills or house repairs. Even being in a position to give more to your grandchildren’s fundraisers. Plus, there will be no more fears about being forced to pull out the credit card and go into debt.

Really, it’s freedom. Freedom to spend your time as you want without any outside pressures. You’re not forced to make concessions in order to pay that inflated gas bill in the winter months. You’ll enjoy the freedom to not have to rely on others.

Freedom is a beautiful thing.

The only way to get to this ‘freedom from monthly bills’ is to have an accelerated income stream in place.

That’s why…

If you hold any ounce of doubt that you won’t go broke in the next 20, 30, 40 years, then it makes zero sense to skip what I’m about to show you.

Because, honestly, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to generate a solid passive income from the stock market.

Tons of crackpot financial advisors want you to think so in order to justify their outrageous $10,000 – $20,000 annual fees.

That’s typically what a crooked Wall Street firm will charge you for the type of plan I’ll show you free today. I would know as I used to be a stockbroker for 8 years.

Like I said, this step-by-step plan is something so simple anyone new to the markets could pull off — and once your income starts to grow, it quickly turns into a snowballing effect that Einstein called the “8th wonder of the world.”

Not to mention, it’s quite safe to do.

This doesn’t have anything to do with risky options or high-flying bets.

We will sacrifice reckless speculation and invest instead for predictable income.

There’s enough BS out there now.

You’ve Heard Enough BS Hype Out There…

That’s why, in this letter, you won’t hear inflated promises of waking up rich tomorrow.

You’ve probably heard enough hyped “get rich schemes” from other financial publications promising you 10,000% gains in bitcoin or marijuana.

I don’t believe those types of plays are prudent for the average retirement investor.

I’m simply being honest with you because I want to help.

In fact, one of my subscribers, Philip H., flattered me when he said:

I want to thank you for all your hard work. I have never really known what I was going to do in retirement for income. Then your program came along and was the answer to my dreams. Now I don’t have to worry about the stock prices falling.”

I want to help you too, and that means telling you the truth… and here it is – I can’t make you a millionaire tomorrow. No one can.


I am going to show you a bulletproof step-by-step roadmap so you never worry about paying bills again. The goal isn’t to make you a millionaire, though that could happen — but, to never spend another moment worrying ‘what if’ when it comes to your finances.

It all starts with understanding how to effectively trade a specific type of stock. This stock will be at the core of our income strategy.

These kinds of stocks can pay out 1,000% more income than Apple and Microsoft.

You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to understand and implement.

I Created A Lifetime Income Stream Already Using This Strategy For Myself And My Parents

Hello. My name is Tim Plaehn. I am the architect behind this snowballing income plan.

I started my career off serving as a F-16 fighter pilot in the United States Air Force while studying mathematics.

I went on to become an instructor, a position reserved for the highest-achieving pilots.

After serving, I spent 8 years as a stockbroker and was also licensed as a financial advisor.

I honestly struggled for years to make money for both myself and my clients. None of the “complicated” trading methods being touted seemed to work or make any sense. Those who taught them seemed only interested in making themselves rich, not my clients.

It wasn’t until I discovered the math behind this step-by-step plan that everything clicked. Rather than searching for ‘hot stocks’, I now invest already knowing how much income I’ll generate.

That’s me back in my fighter pilot days learning the kind of discipline and focus I now apply to researching high-yield dividend and income investments.

That’s the beauty of this accelerated income plan.

You’ll know exactly how much you’ll receive each month to pay your bills. Plus, you’ll have some leftover to spend guilt-free.

I’ve made showing retirement investors how to do this my personal mission.

I myself am near the retirement age of most Americans… though I have no plans to slow down anytime soon. I see what’s going on with pensions drying up and Social Security checks not keeping up with inflation.

I didn’t grow up wealthy nor did I have a massive account to start investing. I started off like most Americans… I had a small account. Sometimes, even went broke.

Yet, I’ve already created a secure income stream for myself using the exact strategies I’m showing you.

Let me repeat myself so it’s clear –

I use these strategies every day. Over time, I’ve leveraged a certain type of stock where now my income stream each month could pay some of my bills if an emergency happened.

Other investors, like you, needed to see this. That’s why I became the senior income analyst here at Investors Alley.

Today, I have over 20,000 happy premium readers.


Like Lenae S. who wrote:

“I just wanted to send you a note to thank you for your excellent investment guidance! […] Your service is unique, personal, and geared to beginning investors and I feel comfortable with it. I especially appreciate your honesty…”

And here’s another one from Gerald C.:

I have been a satisfied customer since joining [you]. Your frequent inputs to your followers are just fine for my needs. I would highly recommend your service. It is honest and clear. Keep up the good work in helping people.”


As the writer and editor of my own publication service, I believe my biggest duty is to help you navigate the choppy waters of any correction, crash, or bear market.

And corrections and crashes are exactly why I recommend retirees invest for income and not capital gains…

Don’t Make This Killer Mistake Of Living Off Capital Gains

If you’re expecting to live off capital gains, you could be headed for disaster.

Capital gains don’t pay the bills. It’s not ‘real’ money until it’s in your checking account.

But the only way to capture those gains is by doing something crippling…

You have to sell your stocks to receive the gains. 

Say you invested in Google in 2010. Through 2017, you would’ve seen a nice 264% winner after 7 years.

You made a great pick. So, you cash out your triple-bagger and enjoy the spoils. However, at some point, you’ll likely need more income.

So, you look for another stock. Suddenly, you’re paralyzed because what if the next stock doesn’t deliver “Google-sized” gains?

Will your retirement survive?

Plus, can you wait another 7 years for your next windfall?

It’ll take 25 years to double your portfolio at that pace…

With the step-by-step snowballing income plan, you’re earning predictable income each month no matter what the markets do.

Capital gains are not predictable and not reliable.

…thus, leaning on capital gains for retirement is a dangerous game…

I like to use a short story to illustrate this point.

Cashing out your capital gains is like chopping down the most bountiful apple tree in your orchard because you need firewood to stay warm.

Rather than letting it continue to grow and bear more apples, you’re pulling the roots out of the ground. By pulling out the roots, it will produce zero apples in the future.

You’ll enjoy the hundreds of apples it grew over the years — but at some point, those apples will be gone…

The next apple tree you plant may not grow as well as the first one or it may even die due to disease or pests…

Then, you’re in big trouble.

Compare that to the orchard which has an assortment of fruit trees.

If one tree ever starts withering, you’d rip it out and plant a new one… all while still having other fertile trees bearing fruit.

This short parable illustrates the difference between investing in capital gains and for income.

I recommend income investing to retirees every day… and I’m so confident in it, I have my parents doing it.

My folks retired at age 62. They ran the numbers with their advisor expecting to live to age 74. Well, today, they are 86. Their entire financial plan their advisor put together was shot to hell.

Now, they are set up with reliable income each month and living comfortably.

I told them specifically, “You mustn’t live and die based on where the stock market goes.”

The Great Myth About Stock Prices

Stock prices will swing wildly. Watching them too much could compel you to make an emotional decision.

Share prices go up and down due to an imbalance of buyers and sellers. If more buyers exist than sellers, the stock will go up due to demand.

Higher share prices bring out the greed in investors. Many will hold onto their stocks thinking it will go up forever. Those who don’t own the stock will feel they are “missing out” and potentially buy when the stock peaks.

Soon, the stock is accelerating upwards at breakneck speeds not because the underlying company is doing well…but simply by human greed.

Just look at Tesla stock. In 2013, it was trading for $36. By the end of 2017, it skyrocketed to $350. An 872% increase.

Tesla loses money by the bundle. And the losses are getting bigger…

Like Jack Bogle, Bloomberg predicts the stock market will return less than 5% in the next 10 years:

Clearly, hoping for endless bull markets won’t get you where you need to be.

At some point, leaning on capital gains is the surefire way to get blindsided.

I mentioned how I’ve surveyed thousands of readers. Their #1 fear is “running out of money and going broke.”

I didn’t mention their second fear: “a stock market crash.”

I just showed you why. Because when you rely on capital gains to fund your retirement, the only way to win is if stocks keep going up.

If stocks go down, you’re in dire straits.

By 2010, look how fast family net worth plummeted after the Great Recession.

In 36 months, that’s close to a 50% drop.

Look, you’re not alone in your fear of the stock market suffering another 2008-2009 crash.

As Business Insider shows, the markets tend to go up and down every decade. Corrections happen, on average, every 18-24 months.

If you try and time the market, you’ll eventually make a sucker’s bet and lose big. That’s why I don’t even worry about share prices.

Sounds insane, but it’s true.

With this snowballing accelerated income plan, we aren’t focused on capital gains or the market.

We only focus on one type of income-producing stocks.

You’ll continue generating income even if the market crashes tomorrow.

With the plan, you’ll see the calculations each month so you know exactly how much income you’ll generate. Then, you can scale up or down depending on your monthly bills.

Getting started only takes around 12 minutes to do, and I’ll show you step-by-step what to do.

Share Prices Are Virtually Irrelevant in Retirement

With our step-by-step plan, we are not praying for massive 1,000% gains.

We want income. Period.

We will only buy companies if they are selling for cheap and have a bright financial future…

And we will only sell if we believe the stock is getting too expensive to sustain itself.

Many of my closed positions follow this exact roadmap, and it’s worked perfectly. My readers “sold” right before the stocks dropped.

Oaktree Capital Group hit one of its highest price points at $54.14 in 2015. I recommended to sell.

In the next 11 months, the stock tanked nearly 25% and hasn’t touched $50 since.

I was right on the money with the call.

Less than 90 days later, the stock slumped 22%.

Another of my plays, Calumet Specialty Products, I recommended to sell publicly on Seeking Alpha.

You can go read the comments. Many ridiculed me saying, “This is the worst time to sell” or “Tim is doing his followers a disservice with this one.

Just a few weeks later, the stock started its plunge. By mid-2016, it sunk 85%.

Many readers came back to post, “I should have listened.

Look, I saw these dips coming because my research told me the income was about to drop.

That’s what we’re focused on. If we can nab large gains in the process, it’s a sweet bonus, of course.

Like when I recommended buying CyrusOne Inc., a data center company.

10 months after recommending to “buy,” the stock shot up 57.69% with income to boot.

Again, capital gains are nice, but we focus on income. If a company is growing and they expect to increase their income payouts, we stay with them through the dark days.

Meaning, we don’t panic if our stock goes down 10% because eventually, it will go up again.

In fact, when it goes down 10%, we buy more of the stock and pick it up at a nice discount because we’re picking up the income along the way… and that’s what this system is all about: cash income.

Another play in my private portfolio leases commercial jets. In 2009, they got hit hard like other stocks. But, if you understood the business, like I do, you’d buy right through the bear market.

The stock is up over 600% since the March 2009 bottom plus another 200% in cash income.

That’s how we compound our money at a faster pace… buy good businesses when down to compound our income.

And it’s all with one type of common stock.

Retire On This One Stock

I’ve dedicated my career to one specific type of stock which generates regular income every month.

As you might’ve guessed, I’m talking about dividend stocks — ever-dependable and predictable dividends.

But, not just any dividend stocks. I’m focused solely on high-yield dividend stocks.

These are companies that pay above-average dividends each quarter (some every month). It’s not unusual to see 7.9%…11.6%…even 21.2% yields.

All paid out regularly like a paycheck. Meaning, you know exactly how much you’ll make every month.

We focus on high-yield dividend companies because:

  1. Dividends are real returns. They won’t disappear when a share price goes down.
  2. Where else do you get 8%…12%…20% yields?
  3. Dividends are more predictable than share prices.
  4. A higher yield makes the power of compounding exponential.
  5. For you and me, we have a long-term plan on generating cash forever.

These high-yields are at the heart of our step-by-step plan. 

Because starting with as little as $25,000, you’ll have the opportunity to snowball up a $4,804 monthly income stream.

If you’re disciplined enough to stick through the plan, this could be a reality for you.

The key piece to remember right now: Cash is king during retirement.

Income = cash.

Many dividend stocks we invest in are expected to increase their pay-outs each year. This means you will see larger checks each month: no matter the economic conditions… no matter if share prices dip a bit.

Many of the plays in my dividend portfolio have been compounding income for years. I only sell if the stock is over inflated or the dividend will be cut.

I can’t reveal the tickers of these companies as a gesture of respect to my private readers.

Here’s an example:

If you had followed my step-by-step snowballing income plan with this play, here’s where you’d be now.

You’d be making a steady $2,015 each month on a modest six-figure portfolio.

Over 10 years, that’s $241,800 in income alone.

That’s just one example.

Going into my various plays, my research told me the stocks were selling for cheap and that’s why we have capital gains.

But, again, that’s not what we’re banking on. Capital gains are nice for when we need to unload shares and reinvest the gains for more income. But that’s all they’re for.

Our main focus is the high yield.

Dividend stocks pay you consistently whether we're invested in a raging bull market or a bleeding bear one.

One of my insider plays reserved for subscribers kept paying their $0.52 dividend per share even when the share price cut in half.

We’ve been buying shares for even less now and earn over a 20% yield on our investment today.

How To Find The Right Companies To Start Snowballing Your Income 

Now, how do we find these high-yield companies?

Normally, companies paying out large sums are not “household names.” Household-name blue chips typically pay 1-3% yields. That’s not enough to retire on. We have to dig deeper to find income-producing companies.

To be successful, you only need two criteria:

1) The company is growing in the next 3-5 years. If a company isn’t growing, it’s declining.

2) The dividends have a track record of increasing or staying steady.

All of Warren Buffett’s top 5 dividend holdings have rising dividends, and we’re following his lead.

These criteria are imperative because all high-yield companies aren’t strong businesses. I already showed you examples when I called the top of multiple companies.

When I first started, I simply looked for the highest yield companies and invested there. Over and over I found out these companies were bad news and the stock would drop as much as 95%!

Again, just searching for companies with the “highest yield” and picking a bad apple could destroy a portfolio.

That’s why I spend much of my day in the trenches — talking with executives at these companies and making decisions based on what they say.

You get a more complete company picture actually chatting with management than you will from a financial statement.

On top of that legwork, I’m attending company presentations and investor conferences looking for opportunities.

Again, these companies aren’t on the front page of Forbes. So, I must dig them up and sort winners from losers.

Like this one, strong REIT I found handing out 15.7% yields every single year. That’s a 15.7% cash deposit hitting your account like clockwork for as long as the dividend continues.

After following this step-by-step snowballing income plan, you’d be collecting a $2,819.12 per month paycheck on a modest 6-figure portfolio.

Over 10 years, that’s $338,294.40 of income. Not stock gains…INCOME.

Imagine that like clockwork forever.

In fact, you’ll know down-to-the-day when your checks arrive. You do this by stagnating when you want to receive them.

I’ll show you how that works with my free Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar.

In the calendar you’ll get the exact dates for when you need to be an owner of the stocks in the calendar and when you should expect your paychecks. It’s pretty clear-cut yet extremely powerful in helping you build wealth quickly.

Every green marker signifies when money will deposit into your checking account to pay the bills. You’ll get this calendar free when you start the plan today.

Once you’ve completed the step-by-step plan, your entire financial future will be built around this calendar.

Every month you’ll watch your income snowball…

As you collect more bonus shares…

It’s pretty exciting when you see money deposited and you didn’t do a lick of work.

Retirement is supposed to be enjoyable after all. Why live in a constant state of fear the markets will collapse or not knowing how much to safely withdraw?

The step-by-step plan completely cuts out the fear of the unknown out.

Because businesses are built and managed for the long run… You and I need to invest the same way.

And we want our capital in companies that value us as shareholders and who also have a goal of producing abundant cash flows.

Their rising cash flow leads to increasing dividends for us.

That’s the key difference from what other newsletters may tell you. They’re pushing you towards companies that might pop for big gains.

In reality, it’s a friggin’ crapshoot.

Your best bet is to look for companies with an ever-growing pipeline of cash. Cash is king.

We focus more on cash and less time on how high the share price will go.

Ironically, we actually want to see lower stock prices. That way we can invest less capital for shares but still collect the same income.

Nothing causes more notes in my inbox than when the share price of a recommended company drops 10-20%.

Look, stock prices will change a lot — literally every day.

It is not uncommon to see a stable, high-yield dividend-paying company move 20% or more between its high and low over 12 months.

I love seeing my favorite income-producing companies sink in price, because I have cash-on-hand ready to scoop up shares for a 20% discount.

In my 30 years of trading, I typically see companies with increasing dividends tend to rally from drops.

Bad companies with dividend cuts tend to crater.

When you start seeing stock market plunges with strong companies as opportunities and not dangers, you’ll be well on your way to having your bills paid for.

Let me summarize as we covered a lot in the past few minutes.

I’ve actually revealed the plan for you already, but let’s tie it all together.

Here’s how the step-by-step plan works.

  1. Find healthy, high-yield dividend companies
  2. Buy when the prices are low
  3. Collect the dividends (and bonus shares)
  4. As you find more plays, add them to your portfolio and/or snowball your current positions
  5. (If necessary) Sell when the price gets too high or yield gets too low

We’ve covered these pieces so far.

But let me share with you the true secret sauce to this plan…

And this is where you must get disciplined…

Because without this next step, you miss out on the majority of your perpetual income.

The Power Of The DRIP To Snowball Your Income Faster Than Ever Before

Starting now, you must utilize the DRIP method.

You’ve probably heard this before. Pay attention as this next part is important.

Because if you’re able to snag a high-yield company that produces both dividends and a steady capital gain, the DRIP method could literally double your portfolio in a couple of years.

In some cases, triple it.

One high-yield play in our portfolio takes a $25,000 stake and turns it into $79,821.42.

Again, this requires discipline and patience. But the DRIP method really pours fuel onto your portfolio no matter how large or small.

What is the DRIP?

It’s a Dividend Reinvestment Plan. The step-by-step plan cannot work if you don’t do this critical step.

While on the plan, we will be reinvesting all our dividends back into new shares.

Or what I like to call bonus shares…

BONUS: Brokers don’t charge $5 – $10 commissions to do this. It’s free.

Remember, I didn’t pick “a few years” out of a hat. That’s the ideal timeframe to build an ever-growing money tree.

That’s why, if you have months/years before needing full-time income, or you have a large enough portfolio to take a portion of it to dedicate to this plan

You will be set up for life.

DRIP ramps up your income. You’re compounding income on top of income.

This is a secret of the wealthy.

With the right buying and selling moves, your overdue bills will literally vanish from your mailbox.

The larger your portfolio, the faster you’ll see tremendous cash dividends.

As you use DRIP, your income will continue to grow. If you’re able to reinvest when the share price is down, you’re getting more bang for your buck.

With a $150,000 portfolio using the stock above, after using the step-by-step plan, you could see a $3,318.91 per month income stream for life.

Again, over 10 years, that’s a total of $398,269.20 in total income (not stock gains). Not to mention, a portfolio worth close to $300,000 which you could pass on to your children.

As you add to your positions, the income will only balloon.

Plus, your income doesn’t touch the principal. It’s all dividends. Your principal should keep compounding untouched.

At this point, you have a full-blown accelerated income machine…an escalating income with a growing account balance.

With the step-by-step snowballing income plan, you’ve created an orchard of ever-producing trees to feed you and your family for life. As one goes bad, you replace it with another while the others continue producing for you.

So, the entire step-by-step plan is this:

  1. Find healthy high-yield dividend companies
  2. Buy when the prices are low
  3. Collect the dividends & use the DRIP method to snowball our income
  4. As you find more plays, add them to your portfolio and/or grow your current positions
  5. Sell when the price gets too high or the yield gets too low
  6. Automatically pay your bills for life

Snowball Dividends: The Easiest Way To PAY YOUR BILLS FOR LIFE With Buy And Hold Income! (FREE)

What you’ve just read could be a major fork in the road for you. I’m guessing your goal in retirement isn’t to worry about your financial situation.

You have other dreams to accomplish and places to visit.

Look, creating a lifetime of snowballing income doesn’t have to be complicated or risky. No matter what other financial advice you read today, I’m telling you it’s simple.

The hard part is staying disciplined and consistent with your strategy. Unfortunately, most retirees don’t have a strategy except hoping for a perpetual bull market. As you’ve seen, that won’t happen.

That’s why I’ve put together an entire step-by-step roadmap for you — step-by-step…easy-to-follow…

Yes, you’ll get the investments to make, but also you’ll discover there’s much more to it than that.

I lay out the entire plan inside my premium report, The Snowball Dividend Plan.

It’s absolutely free.

Inside, discover:

  • How to set up your 401(k), IRA, or brokerage account for the plan (takes 12 minutes) so the income continues to flow into your account
  • The #1 rule that will double your money regardless of stock price
  • A killer strategy to add potentially 245% portfolio increases to your account balance (takes just a few clicks to set up for free)
  • Step-by-step directions on how to execute the step-by-step accelerated plan to perfection
  • When to buy & sell your stocks without losing your shirt

That’s not all…

By taking action today, I’ll give you the soup-to-nuts strategy for you to put this plan to the test right now.

Meaning, you’ll get my absolute best investments to inject into your personal snowballing dividend plan and be off and running faster than you can imagine.

So, included with your FREE Step-By-Step Plan, I’ve included another FREE report:

“Tim Plaehn’s Top 10 Income Stocks that Pay Your Bills for LIFE!”

Inside, you’ll find:

  • A little-known spin-off, leasing company shelling out unheard-of 15% yields! They should see more growth as they are in the technology space.
  • An incredible real estate company (one of the largest in its space) peeling off 8.8% dividends like clockwork. We’ve held this stock for over 3 years because of its increasing income.
  • My top-performing dividend stock yielding a whopping 11.7%. We will double our money just thanks to the dividend in the next few years.
  • Your ‘go-to’ snowball dividends stock. This is the very first one I’d recommend paying (at this writing) a 24.84% dividend! Pay your bills with this stock alone.

These are just four dependable companies churning out yields that can pay your bills for life, and I have six more to share on top of that if you receive my Snowball Dividends Income Plan today!

A couple I’ve had in my portfolio for 3 years and never sold the shares. I simply check in every month and add to my position. Meanwhile, I collect their dividends and enjoy the spoils.

It feels like a regular paycheck without the work.

If you’ve read this far, I’m guessing this plan sounds interesting to you and your situation.

The Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar

Hopefully, you feel I’ve been open with you here. I’m a straight shooter. I don’t have time for investors chasing the ‘next big thing.’

Others may see investing as a sport, like hunting or fishing. Not me. I invest with discipline to grow my income.

I wake up every morning in the Nevada hills at 5:30 am. I read the paper and study the markets.

I’m not trying to win awards, recognition, or land on the Forbes 1000 list. I invest in high-yield stocks to fund my lifestyle.

This step-by-step plan isn’t some half-witted theory concocted from books.

It’s a calculated, math-driven solution to pay your bills for life.

Like I mentioned at the beginning, this won’t make you rich tomorrow.

You save for your golden years in hopes of retiring rich. After you retire, you simply need income to enjoy the rest of your days.

Dividend income, not capital gains, is how you get there.

Is it the most exciting investment strategy ever? No, of course not.

If you need to invest in a few penny stocks to get your adrenaline rush, by all means, go ahead. Just make sure you stay true to the plan I’ve laid out for you.

Once you complete the plan, you’ll then take advantage of the second free bonus I have for you: The Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar.

I revealed this to you before:

This calendar is your future. I expect you’ll have it up on your refrigerator.

Because I’ll map out, like a 5-star general, when each company pays its dividend. You’re then able to create a calendar for yourself that pays you on those days.

You’ll know ahead of time how much in dividend checks will hit your account.

Every month, subscribers are cashing checks.

You can do the same.

You’ll get both of these bonuses today at no cost:

  • The Snowball Dividends Accelerated Income Plan
  • The Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar

The Dividend Hunter

These don’t cost a penny to you. All I ask in return is you start a risk-free trial of my flagship service, The Dividend Hunter.

The Dividend Hunter is my private group where I reveal how to both profit from top dividend companies and see consistent “paychecks” monthly.

My ‘Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar’ updates each month as I find better companies to invest in. You always know which stocks are paying dividends that month.

What you get with a risk-free subscription to The Dividend Hunter:

12 monthly newsletter issues where I teach you how to develop a successful dividend investing strategy with my high-yield picks. These issues hold the picks that you will need for your step-by-step plan.

FREE Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar. You’ll get an email with step-by-step instructions on how to set up your predictable dividend income stream. An absolute must-have and it’s updated every month.

● 365-Day 100% Money Back Policy. You can get your full 100% money back if you want it: just request a refund during the first year of your subscription and get your money back. You deserve exactly what I’m promising in this presentation.

 FREE UPGRADE #1: Weekly Buy recommendations. Every Tuesday I’ll send you an update on the current ‘best buys’ in the portfolio so you’ll know where to put any new or additional investment funds so you can reign in even more cash.

 FREE UPGRADE #2: U.S. Dividend Stock Investing for Canadian Investors. Many Canadian readers wanted in on the action such that I put together a free guide so you can invest alongside us here in the States.

 FREE UPGRADE #3: Regular training and education live sessions. This way you’ll become a better income investor that puts you in a position to make even more extra income during retirement.

 FREE UPGRADE #4: Dividend Forecaster tool. Always know exactly how much income you will receive from your investments with our Dividend Forecaster. An elite tool that comes free with your subscription.

I’ll show you the top income plays to make… and they tend to beat the pants off blue chips stocks.

If we use the same blue chips as before: Microsoft, Disney, and McDonald’s…

Let’s compare how much income you could potentially earn while subscribed to The Dividend Hunter.

That’s the difference from trying to do this on your own.

I get emails all the time from readers thanking me:

Tim is the best investment advisor I’ve seen for the novice investor. He always has good advice and really bailed us out during the COVID crash. Keep up the good work.”

— Don H.

“I have been a subscriber of Dividend Hunter for quite a while now and I must say the issues keep getting better and better. It is my all-time favorite financial newsletter…“

— Larry S.

“We are life members of The Dividend Hunter. Since joining you in late 2016, we have done well with your recommendations. With this much extra income, life is good. (We are leaving on a 10-day Caribbean cruise today!)

— Mel G.

“I’m 68 years old and retired. I want to say that over the years I have subscribed to MANY newsletters and yours is the only one that has made me money. I really want to thank you and I wish I had found your service years earlier.“

— Phil J.

With The Dividend Hunter, we will invest in 5 distinct types of stocks to fund your step-by-step snowballing plan:

  1. Conservative: These are the stocks that show the best combination of dividend security and share price stability. I don’t care much about short-term share price movements, but it does provide a level of comfort to you.
  2. Secure Dividends with Volatile Share Prices: Stocks with huge yields, but go up and down fast. We watch the share prices here to find a bargain.
  3. Monthly Dividend Stocks: Companies that incredibly payout cash monthly.
  4. Discount Plays: Stocks that investors have driven down to discount-level prices because they think the company is hurting. You and I know better and pick up shares waiting for increasing dividends and even some share price appreciation.
  5. Positive Surprises This Year: Sleeper stocks that could boost their dividends without notice. When the price spikes high, we are in a nice spot to dump the shares with our dividends and gains in tow.

I am not a “hot stock” picker. I don’t use some weird financial algorithm to try to find which stocks will outperform.

My goal is to help you build a portfolio of high-yielding stocks that generate a steady and growing cash flow stream.

These plays work to build your step-by-step plan and beyond.

Again, the growing income stream is what will allow us to be in the stock market through both up and down periods.

You’ll get regular updates on where you should be invested. Making these trades correctly keeps you on track with the plan. For the most part though, we will kick back and enjoy our income stream.

But, it’s imperative you know when and what to buy/sell. That’s how I can help you.

And that’s not all…

You’re also getting…

365 Full Days to Test Out the Step-By-Step Snowballing Dividends Plan

For the amount of value you’re getting, I’d be tempted to offer zero refunds. I can’t afford to waste time with investors who aren’t serious.

However, in this day-and-age of the internet, I understand there will always be skeptical folks especially because you’ve never met me.

I understand. I didn’t grow up with this technology either.

So, to make it a no-brainer decision for you, I’m offering a 365-day money back policy.

That’s an entire year to test out the program, see all of my research, and start collecting big dividend checks every month. 

At any point, if you don’t feel my recommendations, the step-by-step plan, the Monthly Dividend Paycheck Calendar, the special reports are worth the price… shoot me an email and you’ll get a full refund.

In fact, you can even keep the special bonus reports as a free gift.

I do this so you get started now.

You’ll Be Amazed At How Fast The Income Piles Up

Because in investing… time is money. Every day you wait to start, is another day lost in dividend income.

You’ve seen calculated examples proving the step-by-step plan works. One example, you could start with as little as $25,000 and generate a $4,804 income stream. Not to mention, triple your account balance in the process.

If you have over 6-figures to invest, you’ll be amazed at how fast the dividend income will stack up.

Remember, investing doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful if you don’t want it to be. This is an opportunity to make consistent income every month no matter what. We won’t be shooting for the stars or trying to find the next Facebook. Leave that to speculators.

You and I simply want a comfortable retirement where a medical bill comes in, then goes out paid without stress. We won’t need to call up our friends or family to help. We’ve worked hard to get here. It’s time to reap the benefits of your work.

All you need now is the right plan in place.

Let me show you everything inside The Dividend Hunter. It’s risk-free to join.

Join Now

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Information contained on this page is maintained by Magnifi Communities LLC and is provided for educational purposes only and are neither an offer provided for educational purposes only and are neither an offer nor a recommendation to buy or sell any security, options on equities, or cryptocurrency. Magnifi Communities LLC and its affiliates may hold a position in any of the companies mentioned. Magnifi Communities LLC is neither a registered investment adviser nor a broker-dealer and does not provide customized or personalized recommendations. Any one-on-one coaching or similar products or services offered by or through Magnifi Communities LLC does not provide or constitute personal advice, does not take into consideration and is not based on the unique or specific needs, objectives or financial circumstances of any person, and is intended for education purposes only. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. No trading strategy is risk free. Trading and investing involve substantial risk, and you may lose the entire amount of your principal investment or more. You should trade or invest only “risk capital” - money you can afford to lose. Trading and investing is not appropriate for everyone. We urge you to conduct your own research and due diligence and obtain professional advice from your personal financial adviser or investment broker before making any investment decision. 

Investors Alley, a division of TIFIN Group LLC, is affiliated with Magnifi via common ownership. Investors Alley will receive cash compensation for referrals of clients who open accounts with Magnifi.

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It’s impossible to know what will happen in the market.

Legendary investor, Jack Bogle, who created the first index fund, believes the market will return only 4% each year.

Jack Bogle: stock market will return only 4% -- CNBC

Why The Average Investor Struggles During Retirement

Here’s what the average investor is doing.

Say you have $250,000 saved up to retire on. Your Social Security check pitches in $1,341 per month.

You believe you only need $4,000 per month to live comfortably on. You may need more or less. New Retirement reports the average income is $48,000/year for retirees.

So, after Social Security, you need to only generate $2,500 per month to live on.

Leading up to retirement, you’d invested in big-name blue chips… Microsoft, McDonald’s, Disney.

Over 20 years, you saw these stocks skyrocket.

If you look at the last 7 years since the crash in 2009, all three of these blue chips have done remarkably well.

Starting in 2010, Microsoft stock is up around 171%…Disney’s gaining around a similar trajectory at just over 183%. McDonald’s has returned around 147%.

At these growth rates, you’d be netting around 20% per year in capital gains.

Sounds incredible, right?

Thus, in retirement, you want to be prudent and figure you might as well invest more in blue chips.

Except, we all know the market never goes up forever. At some point, it will crash. Stocks will plummet.

Look at Disney stock. In 2000, when the dot-com bubble burst, Disney shed over 66% the following 24 months. Or, in 2008, it lost 50.84% from August to April 2009.

Your portfolio got sliced in half.

If you then tried to still take out your $2,500 per month, you’d be broke in 4 years.

Still, the stock hits record highs as we speak.

Even Elon Musk, Tesla’s founder and CEO, admitted the stock price “is higher than we have the right to deserve.

It’s all greed and emotional investing — a recipe for future losses.

This exact same process happens, but in reverse, for stocks plunging. Sellers are scared of falling prices, buyers are reluctant until the price drops so low they can’t resist.

We don’t want any part of this game if we wish to retire and never run out of money.

In your younger years, you’re investing for capital gains.

However, when you start focusing on retirement investing, it’s time to shift gears.

Capital gains are always welcome of course… but without a steady 9-5, you need a solid way to draw income from your IRA and 401(k) without killing your fruit tree.

There’s only one predictable and safe way to do that today…

…unfortunately, most investors get it wrong…

Their research says even 5% returns are “slim.”

Not very encouraging if you expect to retire on your IRA balance + capital gains.

It’s downright scary actually.

If you have $250,000 now, at 5% growth, but withdrawing your $2,500 per month to use for bills…

You’re out of money in 10 years.

Have $150,000?

Out of money in 5 years.


Broke in the middle of Year 3:

Again, none of this is “guessing.” We’re not timing the market. That’s a recipe for going broke. Instead, we’re looking for valuable, cheap plays that will increase our income.

It’s all based on fundamentals included free with this income plan.

Don’t worry, it’s nothing time-consuming. In fact, I’ll do most of the work for you.

Like this move.

Ventas, Inc. a real estate fund, has been a roller coaster ride. It’s gone up and down.

Well, I’ve called its top… twice… in back-to-back years.

Near its all-time high of $81.67, I told investors to sell making us a 21.65% total return. In the next 10 months, the stock lost nearly 38%.

That’s okay because when it hit all-time lows, I recommended readers to “buy” again.

Less than a year later, just a hair after Ventas reached its peak at $76.16, I felt the stock was overvalued and hit “sell.” We made out with a 35.68% total gain.

Salient Midstream is a MLP which traded for $21 per share. Very close to its all-time highs. In March 2015, I sent an alert to “sell” as I believed the stock would crater.

Sure enough, by February 2016, the stock had lost over 72%. Now, it rarely trades above $12.

And you’ll be surprised how little it will cost you.

The Best Deal You Will Find

You’re getting the snowballing dividends plan as a free bonus to try it out. And I’ve already shown you how fast you can generate 5-6 figures in dividend income if you follow my plan.

Setting up my plan takes just 12 minutes of upfront work punching in the ticker symbols I recommend.

I’m packing in the value today so you can feel confident The Dividend Hunter and this mathematically-based plan are right for you.

Heck, you'd pay more for a nice dinner out with wine.

I’ve been told it’s far too low for all the monthly issues, the updates, and the sheer amount of income you could make. Now, I’ve added this new blueprint as a free bonus to subscribers.

Here’s even more praise for the life-changing benefits The Dividend Hunter brings:

“Tim, I want to thank you for all that you do. I can always depend on you to guide me to find the best dividend earnings stocks on the market…“

— Bill M.

“By 2016, I realized I was selling off our assets to live, and needed dividends for income. That’s when I found Tim, and I’ve been extremely happy since then. Tim’s an average guy I can relate to, I enjoy following his updates every week. I tell my friends… follow Tim! Get a subscription!
— Glen C.

“Right when we retired, we went all-in on Tim’s recommendations. We live off our dividends from the stocks Tim shows us (to supplement our State retirement pensions). Now, we’re getting to tick items off our bucket list. We plan to travel through Western Canada, ride the Rocky Mountaineer train from Calgary to Vancouver, take a cruise to Alaska, even spend Christmas and New Year in Seychelles off East Africa. We’re taking weekly one-on-one Spanish lessons and regular trips to explore Spain. We regularly enjoy visiting wine-makers (bodegas) in our region. Hopefully, we’ll be able to do a trip per month in retirement.
— Tim S.

Join Now

“Honey, I Can’t Retire.”

And led to the discovery of a near-guaranteed path to a dream retirement… Using a simple market secret

How a man’s worst nightmare sprung him to action...

As you’re about to see, you can easily copy his move now to potentially secure $4,804 per month

Dear Reader,

The hardest part about getting older isn’t the aches and pains or the grey hair…

It’s the fear that hits you when a family member calls, and you know it’s bad news.

This was my personal hell… imagining my mom saying… 

“Honey, I can’t retire,” while holding back tears.

Fearing this, especially after the 2008 crash, I devised a plan…

A way to secure a dream retirement through the stock market with an average stake.

The kind of set-it-and-forget-it solution that snowballs over time…

Turning $10,000 into $17,300… then $25,000… later $55,000… and so on. 

I knew of only one foolproof way for a small stake to grow into a much larger retirement fortune... using what I like to call bonus shares.

You just need to make one change in your brokerage account…

And you’ll start to collect these bonus shares automatically!

I promise you will be shocked at the money you could make...

Just look at what bonus shares would’ve delivered in the past on a $10,000 stake:

  • $19,067 on AT&T

  • $49,747 on Bank of America

  • $53,929 on Leggett & Platt

  • $71,979 on Coca-Cola

  • $93,303 on Kimberly Clark

  • $137,095 on IBM

  • $138,168 on ExxonMobil

  • $176,685 on Johnson & Johnson

  • $183,644 on Procter & Gamble

  • $404,399 on T Rowe Price

  • $1,160,536 on Microsoft!

Of course, these are best-case scenarios with perfect foresight and unwavering confidence in your investments for decades. 

That’s because bonus shares unlock the ability to receive as much as 10 times more from your initial investment…

Without doing anything complicated like using options!

These bonus shares are added to your initial investment every few months...

… and they compound quickly

So, while most folks lucky enough to invest in Pepsi early settled for an 876% gain…

With the extra power of bonus shares...

You could’ve enjoyed an even bigger 1,396% gain instead!

That means instead of turning $10,000 into $97,595…

With the addition of bonus shares, you’d pocket over $149,747!

Isn’t that incredible?

My parents thought so.

After making these kinds of investments, their lives got much easier.

Money worries began to fade…

And today, I want you to experience the same.

Because look, I get it. These examples are true and life-changing…

We’re talking about fortunes minted on single stocks using this secret…

But it took years of foresight to lock in and stay locked in long enough to win big.

That’s why I devised a plan that puts this secret to work faster…

How to use bonus shares to snowball your income and pay your bills for life!

It’s so simple… you only need one STOCK for this plan to work…

1-Year Access To Magnifi’s AI Investing Personal Assistant

Imagine having a top-notch financial advisor at your service, 24/7.

That's precisely what you get with your complimentary access to Magnifi's AI investing assistant. 

To put this in perspective…

  • Magnifi Gets You Access To Professional-Level Data Worth Over $10,000: Think of Magnifi as your personal key to unlocking a treasure trove of data - the kind usually reserved for the Wall Street elite. With comprehensive insights from trusted giants like Morningstar, FactSet, and Broadridge, you're no longer an outsider in the world of investing. 

So, what does Magnifi mean for your Snowballing Income Plan? 

Let's break it down: 

Dive Into Deep Investment Insights: Magnifi doesn’t just scratch the surface. It delves deep, offering you insights on everything from ESG factors to analyst ratings. It's about understanding the market and your investments profoundly intuitively. Use this to alter your plan according to your needs. 

Leverage Advisor-Level Tools: Tools like FI 360, usually earmarked for professional advisors, are now at your disposal. This means you can approach your investment analysis with the same finesse and depth as a seasoned financial expert. 

Comparative Analysis At Your Fingertips: Want to know how your chosen funds stack up against others? Or how to balance your portfolio for better returns and lower volatility? Ask Magnifi - your AI-driven guide to smarter investment choices. 

Make Informed Decisions With Scenario Analysis: Unsure how market changes might affect your portfolio? Magnifi offers scenario analysis to help you confidently navigate the uncertain waters of investing.

Personalized Portfolio Recommendations: With Magnifi, you get tailored recommendations honed to fit your unique investment profile and goals. It's about making your money work for you in the smartest way possible.

User-Friendly Interface: Magnifi simplifies complex data into easy-to-understand, conversational insights. It's like having a financial advisor who speaks your language, available any time you need. 

Exclusive Features and Unique Data Points: Tap into unique features and data points unavailable elsewhere. With Magnifi, you’re always one step ahead in the investment game. 

Always Evolving for Your Benefit: With continuous development and new features like tax location analysis and yield optimization, Magnifi isn’t just a tool; it's a growing resource tailored to your evolving financial needs. 

This incredible $10,000 value is absolutely free for 1-year! 

And the best part? 

There’s no obligation to continue with a paid subscription after your trial ends. 

You maintain full access to your reports, ensuring your step-by-step plan remains on track. Don’t miss this opportunity. 

Take us up on this offer today and you'll receive instant access.

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The Dividend Hunter

Due Today: $129.00

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Your subscription will automatically renew in 12 months for $129.

Get Your Bills Paid for Life

Your Snowballing Dividends Plan should generate $4,804/month forever and it takes just minutes to set up online

Your Membership Includes:

The Dividend Hunter is my private group where I reveal how to profit from top dividend companies and see consistent "paychecks" monthly. 

  • 12 monthly newsletter issues where you learn how to develop a dividend investing strategy with my high-yield picks. These are the picks that you need for your 36-month plan.

  • Bonus 1: Weekly buy recommendations. I'll send you an update every Tuesday on the current "best buys" in the portfolio.

  • Bonus 2: Regular training and education live sessions. 

  • Bonus 3: A fully-loaded, 60-day free trial to our new dividend tracking and forecasting software, Divcaster. You'll know exactly how much dividend income you'll receive and when across your holdings.

  • Bonus 4: The following four reports (valued at $149)
  • Bonus 5: FREE access to Magnifi:

Magnifi helps you find, buy, and manage your investments.

Track all your holdings in one whole view — including curated news, market alerts, performance, hidden risks, opportunities, and over $10,000 worth of pro-level data!

Magnifi - AI for your financial future

Happy subscribers write in all the time:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for your wonderful newsletter and dividend tips. I have subscribed to a lot of stock newsletters in the past and found them to be very hard to understand. Your information is easy to comprehend, short and to the point.

— Jerry C., Idaho

I am glad to have found The Dividend Hunter and all your weekly updates. The dividend calendar is excellent and I have been using it regularly. I eagerly await all your updates and thank you for improving my income stream with all your great ideas.

 — Ronald P.

Thanks to your advice, we are now getting money that we were missing out on before. Our first month’s dividend checks will surpass $1,250!

It would be a real understatement to say that my wife is now very excited about dividend investing

— Pedro T.

You Get a Full 365 Days To Try It Out RISK-FREE

I stand by you and I stand by my work. 

I have over 25,000 paying subscribers reading my research each week. 

Unlike other publications who simply want to shove as many folks as they can into their newsletters, I’m not aggressive. 

There isn’t much ‘hype’ in what I’m writing here. Every number I show you is calculated out. No speculation or guessing. 

Still, I understand you may be skeptical. I’m very confident in my work. I talk to the management at many of the companies I recommend. Some know me well. I own up to my mistakes when I'm wrong. Let me show you for a full year.

HURRY! I'm counting at least 6
companies paying dividends this month alone.

I'm counting 6 companies about to pay must be invested ASAP to get the cash.
All you have to do --- it will only take 60 seconds --- and you will get
immediate access to everything above.

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